Meet our team
Holistic family healthcare
Welcome to the Mukilteo Natural Health Clinic. Dr. Aaron and Dr. Dylan Morris are dedicated primary care physicians. We are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal wellness through education, lifestyle management, and holistic naturopathic care.
Dr. Steve is now enjoying retirement after 30 years of clinical practice.​
Dr. Aaron Morris
Naturopathic Physician
IV Therapy
Naturopathic Physician
Brain Health
Physical Medicine
Hormonal Health
Metabolic Health
IV Therapy
Dr. Dylan Morris
Dr. Steve Morris
Naturopathic Physician
IV Therapy
Founder of Mukilteo Natural Health Clinic
Retired Naturopathic Physician
IV Therapy
Dr. Steve Morris
Schedule a Free Meet and Greet
Considering an appointment with a naturopathic doctor and have further questions? Come on in for a free 10-minute meet and greet and we’d be happy to answer any of your questions.
Call 425.347.1951 or contact us to schedule an appointment with a naturopathic primary care physician.